
Rubric for Letter to an Author

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Rubric for Your Letter to an Author

Check Point
Wow, you did a great job!
Hey, pretty good.  You should be proud. Oops! You need to do some more work!
Letter format Your letter has all key parts. Your letter has most key parts. Your letter is missing some important parts.

Letter content:

theme and expression

Your letter explains how a book changed your view of the world or self.  You use interesting language to make your point. Your letter tells the author how you reacted when reading the book.  Your language is good but could be stronger or more clearly stated. Your letter is more like a fan letter or a summary of the book's action.  Your language is sometimes confusing.
organization and grammar Your letter has a beginning, middle, and end.  You have no errors. Your letter is missing one of the key parts: beginning, middle, or end.  You have some spelling and sentence mistakes. Your letter is missing two of the three key parts:  beginning, middle, or end.  You have many spelling and sentence mistakes.



These are the parts of a letter that you need:

  1.  return address at the upper right (your name and school address)
  2. salutation or greeting
  3. opening or lead paragraph
  4. body of supporting details
  5. closing or concluding paragraph
  6. complimentary close and signature



Checklist for Author Letters

adapted from teaching materials at http://www.lettersaboutliterature.org/lesson_plans


I. . Content

  • Purpose: Does the letter address the essay's theme -- describing how a work of literature somehow changed the reader's view of the world or self?
  • Audience: Does the reader demonstrate a knowledge of his or her audience?  In other words, is the writer addressing the author and not the teacher or others?
  • Supporting Details:  Does the letter provide explanations or examples, anecdotes, or other specific details to support the reader's point of view?

II. Reader Response/Originallity and Expression

  • Does the reader dialogue wit the author rather than summarizing the book's plot or analyzing literary elements within the book?
  • Does the reader correspond with the author rather than compliment?
  • Is vocabulary smooth and natural rather than "tongue-tied" or showy?


III. Organization and Grammatical Correctness

  • Does the reader present ideas in a logical, organized manner without unnecessary repetition?
  • What organizational strategy (internal text structure) does the writer use?
    • chronological order if relating a story
    • cause-and-effect
    • compare/contrast
    • steps in a process
    • other: _____________________________________
  • Does the essay have bookends -- an introduction or lead paragraph that hooks the reader plus a concluding paragraph that may or may not mirror the opening paragraph?
  • Has the reader proofread the letter for errors of spelling, capitalization,  and punctuation?






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