Wha’d He Say.doc
Outsiders Slang
have it made = have it easy
dough = money
cool it = relax
dig = understand
fuzz = police
belted = hit
dig = enjoy
hood = hoodlum = criminal or gangster
greaser: slicks his long hair back with grease; also may be used as a term for all boys from a lower class neighborhood
ripped = drunk
bugging = bothering
"Hold up!" = wait
jumped = attacked
cooler = jail
stoned = drunk
heater = gun
boozehound = alcoholic
a bum haircut = a terrible haircut
bopper = fighter
shut your trap = close your mouth
blowin' = spending/wasting
cancer stick, weed = cigarette
Anticipation Guide
Name ___________________________________ Period ___ Date ________________
(first and last name)
The Outsiders Anticipation Guide
Directions: Read the following statements. Circle the letter that best represents how you feel about each statement. Be prepared to discuss and defend your answers.
A= agree MA = Mostly agree MD = Mostly disagree D= Disagree
A MA MD D 1. It's just natural -- just the way things are --
for various groups to hate each other. (page 6)
A MA MD D 2. "You take up [stand up] for your buddies,
no matter what they do." ( page 26)
A MA MD D 3. Kids should date and hang out with "their own kind."
(page 76)
A MA MD D 4. It's not the group you belong to that determines what you
are and what you do -- it's individual choice. (page 102)
A MA MD D 5. "It's the kids in the middle --- not the very rich or
the very poor -- that are the lucky ones." (page 103)
A MA MD D 6. Some people are so important in your life that you
can't get along without them. (page 108)
A MA MD D 7. Nice kids are scarce nowadays. (page 114)
A MA MD D 8. It's important to keep up your reputation --
whether it's good or bad. (page 116)
A MA MD D 9. "People usually go by looks" when judging. (page 123)
A MA MD D 10. "You get tough and you don't get hurt. You look out
for yourself and nothing can touch you." (page 128)
A MA MD D 11. Someone who will "really listen to you, listen and
care about what you're saying, is something rare."
(page 154)
A MA MD D 12. There are hundreds of kids who hate the world.
Someone should tell them that there is good in the world
-- before it's too late. (page 155)
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